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Why Do I Have Shoulder Pain From Sleeping?

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Waking up with shoulder pain is a lousy way to begin your day. The pain usually radiates down the arm and the shoulder region. And then the arm grows weaker over a couple of days if the pain doesn’t get any better. If you’re wondering why do I have shoulder pain from sleeping, read along to find out the remedies to alleviate the pain.

Shoulder pain can turn ordinary work unbearable to do. Turning and shifting position while lying is sometimes impossible. It can be caused by a lot of conditions as you sleep which includes unsatisfactory sleep and incorrect sleeping position. Tension and anxiety can also cause stress in the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck.

The shoulder is one of the primary ball and socket joints in your body. It is also the body’s most movable joint that is often times being compromised. The shoulder joint has muscles, tendons, and ligaments which stabilize the shoulder and is called as the Rotator Cuff because they are shaped like a cuff surrounding the humerus.


Causes of Shoulder Pain

Most shoulder issues would persist for a short period of time and affect just a small area. However, the shoulder problem could also be a part of a much bigger and long-lasting condition on your shoulder like osteoarthritis or polymyalgia rheumatica.

It is rather common for individuals with arthritis to have swelling and pain in their shoulders. Osteoarthritis is unlikely to affect the shoulders compared to other joints, except if you have injured it before.

There are lots of other causes of shoulder pain, for example, inflammation or a normal response to injury or disease, it is when the shoulder becomes red, hot, swollen and painful; damage to tendons and muscles around the shoulder.

Muscles tensions in between the shoulder and the neck that typically comes down to a posture on your back or neck, and is connected on how you sit or stand when you are at work or using a computer can also cause shoulder pain.

Another cause can be bursa inflammation. Bursa is a tiny fluid-filled sac which helps the tendons and muscles slide efficiently over the bones of the shoulder. Damage to the cartilage and the bones which may be brought about by arthritis can cause pain on your shoulders.
Additionally, it is may be possible that the pain on your shoulder is connected to a problem in a different part of the body like the neck. Issues on the neck can contribute to the upper arm or your shoulder blade pain.

This condition is known as radiated pain or referred pain. When there is a sense of pain on your shoulder, in addition to a tingling sensation in your arm or hand, then it is very likely to be out of a problem on your neck.


Remedies for Shoulder Pain after Sleeping

Shoulder pain remedies will depend upon the source of the pain. For plain sprains and strains on and off, an application of cold compress and rest will do. For degenerative arthritis or a serious fracture, shoulder replacement surgery might be required.

Physical therapy and chiropractic care are some of the most time-efficient remedies for both chronic and acute pain. Occasionally, injections which have steroids and pain relievers are also notable for joint pain and stiffness.


The Value of Your Sleeping Position

An incorrect sleeping posture is just another cause of shoulder pain. The spine should be in a neutral position during sleep so as not to put excessive pressure on the neck, along with the spine and shoulder muscles. People who are experiencing sleep apnea usually sleep on their side, particularly the left, so that the tongue will not block the air flow. But this position can cause numbness and tingling sensation in addition to left shoulder pain.

Wrong and mediocre quality mattresses may also lead to shoulder pain because of the improper positioning of the neck, head, and spine. Meanwhile, a mattress too stiff will not shape and outline the body, and a saggy mattress might not offer enough support for the shoulders and your back. People who are suffering from joint pain find out that memory foam mattress to be beneficial since body contouring is being provided but it is also firm enough to offer adequate support.

Pillows may also have an effect on body alignment. Overstuffed or too many pillows can cause shoulder and back pain. Pillows come in a huge array of materials like foam, memory foam, fiber-fill, and feathers. They are available in many sizes and shapes depending on if you need them beneath your head or under your knees, or as back support.

Your sleeping posture can also trigger shoulder pain. Sleeping on the belly does not maintain the spine in a neutral posture which adds pressure to the muscles around it. Sleeping on your side, on the other hand, can place strain on the shoulder but sleeping on your back with a support pillow under the knees can provide alignment of the spine.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain after sleeping and you haven’t had a current injury, you might need to try out changing your sleeping position. But if you’ve tried to rest, take pain relievers, and applying a cold compress, the shoulder pain persists, then you might try to stop by to your health care provider to find out the origin of the pain and the best treatment program.

So unless you had a serious injury in the past or suddenly get one, with continuous pain you can generally treat your shoulder pain without seeking any medical help.

But, if after a week or two of self-treatment, and the pain is not getting any better then you should immediately see a doctor or a physiotherapist. Other reasons for seeing your doctor immediately is when you develop intense pain on both shoulders; having pain on your thighs, and feeling feverish or unwell as these could be signs of a medical condition called polymyalgia rheumatica that needs urgent treatment.

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